2016 is prime time for you to take charge of your public image and excel at the work of your choice, Aries! It will need effort, but you’re up to the challenge. With the Moon, Mars, Saturn, and Uranus all in Fire signs as your year begins, you have more energy and staying power than most.
Springtime may test your patience, as Mars is retrograde from mid-April until the end of June. Polish your techniques and approaches then, and test out new ideas on a small scale.
Respect physical limits and don’t over-commit in the late summer and early autumn. Resist the urge to sign up for too many events, gatherings, classes, or putting in too much overtime at work. Your health and well-being are just as important as any extra praise or profit you might receive.
Look for insights about yourself and your many friends, especially as New Year’s Eve for 2017 approaches. In many ways, 2016 is magical as well as powerful for you!
Love Singles
Your social scene and dating circle knows no bounds in 2016, Aries, especially in February and March. You’ll often be surrounded by fascinating, attractive prospects who are equally drawn to you.
Most of your romantic encounters may be more emotional than you’d like, but some will be with people who have a temperament that suits you. You’ll be a dating magnet, though, and will attract them all.
Be selective. This matters most in late May and June, when Mars is retrograde in sexy Scorpio. Saying yes too often to too many people could cause complications later.
Open up to the feelings of others in August but stick to your Aries “me first” agenda in September. You will still be generous, attentive, and loved.
Favors for and time spent with non-romantic friends in November and December may get you an introduction to your dreamy The Right One later down the road.
Expect very little downtime in 2016. Be safe and have fun, Ram!
Love Couples
Love can be sweet and simple in 2016, Aries, but with plenty of excitement! Socially, you’ll present a picture of harmony and have a great deal of fun with your friends, and strangers, too, at public and family gatherings, whether the events are big and glamorous or small and intimate.
At home, emotions will be much nearer the surface. January through early March may be the most passionate time period, when Mars is moving through the steamy sign of Scorpio.
Occasionally you both may need to step back from being oversensitive and letting psychodrama distract you from settling what are really petty little issues and differences. These kinds of emotions may run highest during August and September.
Generosity and fun are the rule for late September and October. Any past differences will be forgotten as you both remember and value why you’re together.
Give each other a bit more time and space in November and December. Emotional demands between you may ease now, although social obligations may increase.
Career & Money
You can see slow, gradual, and nonstop progress in 2016, Aries. Don’t doubt yourself or your success rate, especially in the spring when Mars is retrograde. Focus on what you love and why you love doing it. No matter what happens, keep going forward.
February and March could be chaotic, with the needs of others complicating your own plans. Meet your own obligations and don’t be lured into making emotional decisions. When it comes to money, look at the numbers.
Money flow should be steady if not fast. Think twice before spending a lot in September.
Make time to deal with financial or real estate matters in November or December. An issue might take time to resolve, but with attention and care you can see big benefits. 2016 is a solid year for you money-wise!
Taurus2016 is the year for big, important changes, Taurus. You can reinvent yourself from the ground up if you so choose.
People will see you differently this year, even if you change nothing. Be adaptable but firm, and be happy with yourself.
March and April brings you some new people, and perhaps a shift in personal tastes and opinions. Keep what you like and shrug off the rest.
A Mercury retrograde in Taurus in April and May lets you make any corrections that feel right.
Radical changes may not be needed, though. You’ll see what works for you. In August and September this will be clear.
Strong emotional bonds and karmic connections will keep you in touch with the right people, doing the right things. Don’t get over-ambitious, and prioritize your health. People love you.
2016 seems custom-built for Taurus, when you can do things at your own speed and make adjustments until you’re more comfortable with your life.
Love Singles
Love is all around you in 2016, Taurus, but not in the usual places. This can expand your social horizons and widen your world.
In February and March, you could meet someone interested in spirituality or in the more elevated cultural arts. No one is being a snob or guru wannabe, as the interest is real. See what you think, and give it all a chance. Neptune is strong now, though, so be smart, too.
A splash of romantic excitement comes in April when Venus and Uranus are together in Aries. By the end of June you’ll be on firmer, more familiar dating ground. This does not mean boring people, however.
Another fling or a more assertive love prospect may appear in September. With the Lunar North Node involved, this could be karmic. You know how to stand your ground, though, and you deserve to be comfortable and happy, too.
December is all about calm and comfort, so enjoy each day to the fullest. 2016 is a stimulating year!
Love Couples
Novelty and excitement will find its way into your love life in 2016, Taurus. Think of it as romantic fresh air between you and your partner. Nothing major has to come or go, but the details and settings of daily life may seem brighter and happier.
You both may have been wanting a bit more fun on a daily basis. Starting in the early spring, Venus and Uranus will inspire this to happen. Look forward to more little pleasant surprises and token gifts or gestures. Anticipate more senseless acts of beauty. And remember to give back, too.
Even without a big vacation, you may want more quality romantic time in August and September. Go somewhere special to you both (or stay home and do something equally special).
Partnership issues may get more serious in November and December. The two of you may take on some important cause or joint project and find that you’ve bonded all the more closely. It’s a powerful and intimate year.
Career & Money
If you saw a career change last year, your work situation should solidify now. Regardless, 2016 has opportunities for more stability in work and finances.
Make lucky breaks for yourself simply by persisting, by showing up when others are less reliable, and by having your good work recognized more often. You will be in the limelight in the workplace throughout 2016. Do your best and shine.
Make necessary improvements at home and proudly invite co-workers and others to your home if the occasion arises. This is most likely to happen in autumn, when Jupiter and the Lunar North Node may bring you an unprecedented opportunity.
An event in late August may set in motion an opportunity that will finally open a door for you in December. Be willing to take on more important work and you can acquire more authority and profit in the coming year.
GeminiYou’re a rising star in 2016, Gemini, but it will keep constant effort to avoid slipping back down. Are you up for this? Of course you are!
Your attention is zeroed in on making progress, getting and holding on to those things you love most, and on not being rushed into making decisions. This year, you will ask all the right questions and refuse to proceed without solid answers and information.
The Mercury retrograde periods in May and then in September may be your most accomplished and solid times. September is especially potent. With Mercury in Virgo, you can easily self-correct and nudge situations and relationships to where you want them.
Home life should bring much satisfaction, and possibly some karmic insights, particularly in September and October. Family mysteries may be solved, or resolved.
Emotional ties and romance are empowered in November, but it may be December when you are the most intense, powerful, and effective. Mars and Saturn are both on your side as the year ends. You can do great things this year, Gemini!
Love Singles
Good times and big dreams are coming your way in 2016, Gemini! You may not travel the world but you won’t be sitting at home, either. No couch potato dates for you.
A Solar Eclipse in March will light the fire and bring you inspiration as well as some romantic hopefuls who truly desire you. Manage your social schedule with skill and much amusement all spring.
Someone too good to be true may appear in the late summer, but look twice anyway, because there may be some emotional truth there for you. And if you get swept off your feet, unless it’s undeniably karmic (and you’ll know), the relationship doesn’t need to last long – and shouldn’t.
Dating could get hot and heavy in November and December. Unless you’ve already met someone with long-term potential, brace yourself for more romantic excitement. The year could end with an emotional roller coaster ride. Have fun, but pay attention.
Love Couples
2016 looks to be both sensible and sensuous, Gemini. Home and family life are well-ordered but not dull and ordinary. The chief challenge might be to resist the temptation to get too busy.
Your social calendar might get packed in February, but together you can pick and choose what is most fun and least exhausting or expensive. Agree on what events are simply too much trouble and politely skip them. Neptune will be bringing you many options and invitations, so talk it out.
If family functions or demands get out of control in August or September, support one another in dealing with the details and logistics of get-togethers. A big family reunion might sound good at first, but remember how much work is involved.
Being sensible is always a good thing, especially in November when passions could rise to an all-time high. Be attentive to each other’s health, too, and feel secure being there for one another.
End the year firmly in control of your relationship and happiness.
Career & Money
2016 is a great time to firm up you position, Gemini, and to get some real staying power in your work situation or career slot. You have energy and good standing now, so think twice about making any major changes or shifts. If you have recently changed careers or occupations, you can set down deep roots now.
The Mercury retrograde in late April and May can actually be very grounding for you and set you up for a financially stable, solid year. Use it to plan ahead.
There may be many things you’d like to have, places you’d like to go, and things you’d like do, but hold off on the big ticket items for now. Numerous smaller expenses could be easily handled and bring just as much satisfaction, especially in November and December, when Mars and Saturn have your back in the workplace.
Cancer2016 is your kind of year, Cancer, when you can turn on that moonlit charm of yours and make sure that the people in your life are the ones you want most!
Family and friends are highlighted in all the best ways, with little or no extra stress or complications.
Romance also is a strong point for you. Partners want to listen to you and make you happy. Let them make you their priority in 2016.
There will be plenty of surprises and opportunities to grow and advance in the world. Raise some eyebrows in 2016 and make some new allies for your favorite causes. This will keep the springtime exciting and interesting.
Mercury is retrograde in Earth signs this year. Take your time and build a firm foundation for the daily life that you want.
The Solar Eclipse in March is in Pisces and may briefly create an emotional world, but you’ll cope better than most other signs. Don’t stress, respect your health, and enjoy a charmed year!
Love Singles
In 2016, love will always be close to home, Cancer, so expect a lot of attention! Speak up for yourself and let admirers do their best to please you. You deserve it.
The dating scene may be super busy in the winter and spring, but some of those dates will be one-timers, which is fine.
A thrilling encounter may happen in the spring, but it doesn’t need to get reckless. Be sensible and have fun.
After the Mars retrograde period ends in late June, you may meet someone equally serious and with more staying power. It still does not have to be forever unless you want it to be.
A smooth, easy summer concludes with a blast of extravagance and emotion in September. Be the pampered one and see how you both feel afterward.
A Mercury retrograde at the end of the year could cause some mixed messages and missed meet-ups, but it’s nothing to worry about. Your heart is in a good place all year long.
Love Couples
2016 is packed with passion and excitement, Cancer, so embrace the thrill of it all! Family members may keep you busy but you have more than enough energy and focus to keep everyone happy, including yourself.
Start the year with a clear understanding between you, then stick to it. If the spring gets tumultuous at work for one of you, it won’t perturb home life. It may even bring you closer together.
A Lunar Eclipse in March in Libra is a bonding opportunity to please you both.
If a big expense or acquisition arises in late summer, you’ll both know if it’s wise and necessary.
You’ll both be wiling to make sacrifices for each other, materially and emotionally. Include plenty of token kindnesses. Cuddle time will be as sweet as passionate time together, especially in the autumn.
If there are shared dreams (or fantasies) of expanding the family, Venus could smile on this possibility in the early winter. Take good care of each other then, too.
Career & Money
2016 can be your year to see abundance and an accumulation of prestige and – yes – even money, Cancer. Keep your sights and efforts high and your expectations reasonable, then see what develops.
Your extra ration of charm will attract opportunities and improve networking. People value you and want to work with you. Business relationships will be clear-cut and mutually satisfying. Make some new connections in the first few months and let them grow stronger as you all succeed.
If February and March require more spending, you can keep it within reason. By August and September, earnings may have increased to more than offset those costs.
Become more fiscally cautious as the year approaches its end and you’ll be more solidly in the black going into 2017.
LeoLet the world see more of the true you in 2016, Leo! Work hard at what you love and have more fun doing it. More people will enjoy working with you, and then your social life could be busier, too.
The Mars retrograde period in the spring will help you slow down, focus, and keep your sights on what is most important.
People may be trying to shake up your world all year long, especially around the Solar Eclipse in Pisces in March and the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces in September. Stay sure of yourself – you can handle it.
Be good to yourself, too. Take care of your health, be active, and make good use of your time day by day. Start off with a firm daily routine – one you also enjoy – and it will take you through the whole year.
Money and work opportunities are there for you, so work hard and make your mark.
Make wise decisions at home and assume the authority that friends and family members are assigning to you. Just be your awesome Leo self!
Love Singles
Start off 2016 with a bang, Leo! You’ll attract plenty of attention just by being your radiant self. You may innocently shock some people – in a good way.
If you feel a bit down or more needy during the early spring, don’t fret for long. Plenty of potential dates are out there, wanting to make you happy. They may be of the familiar, ordinary sort, though. If craving someone more exciting or different, that might have to wait for April or May.
You may meet someone in August or September who promises you the high life, and this might be flattering and fun for a while. You’re too proud and independent to let it last for long, though.
Someone more your equal may appear later in the year, perhaps during the final Mercury retrograde in December. If not a true soul mate, you’ll be able to talk and to see eye to eye. Plenty of passion is there, too!
Love Couples
Can a year be peaceful and exciting at the same time? 2016 can for you, Leo! You and your mate are big-hearted and want to please each other. Plus, monetary pinches and crazy big desires are at a minimum.
Tender feelings will be near the surface all year, so treat each other with extra consideration during the March Solar Eclipse and September Lunar Eclipse.
The four Mercury retrogrades are in Earth signs, so any miscommunications will probably be about practical matters. Write things down, pay bills on time, and help find each other’s misplaced keys and phones.
If there has been a yearning to own a place of your own, this could be the year, especially after August. Look into it!
Passions rise later in the year. One (or both) of you may need more intimacy and extra physical attention in November and December. Be understanding and be there for one another. How great, to end the year with your relationship even stronger than when the year began!
Career & Money
In 2016, the most profitable occupations will probably involve the more mundane, less glamorous work, Leo. This does not mean menial or demeaning. It just means less showy and flashy.
An unexpected (and maybe big) opportunity in January could come to you, but don’t immediately pounce on it. Mercury is retrograde in an Earth Sign, so give the situation time to show its true colors. Ask questions in 2016, and don’t settle for half-answers.
In August you may redefine, career-wise, what you want to do – or how. Take action after the conclusion of the Mercury retrograde period in late September. Money and recognition may increase for you then, too. Be patient, wise, and you’ll be successful. Jupiter is on your side.
Be more ambitious and practical in November and December. Finish the year on very firm footing and at a higher financial level.
2016 is brimming with bright new ideas, abundance, and charm, Virgo. Yes, I’m talking about you! They will be practical ideas, too, that you can put to good use and make progress in the work place, and connect with people who are both reasonable and pleasant. That’s how people see you, too.
In the early spring, romantic fantasies may beckon from time to time. Enjoy the escapes, and come back refreshed.
All four Mercury retrogrades happen in Earth signs, so you’ll be more comfortable than most people.
In September, a Solar Eclipse in Virgo also puts you in the cosmic limelight. Be attentive in case more work opportunities arise.
Early December is a powerful time for you, with Mars and Saturn working on your behalf. You may start the year in a modest position but you could easily become the one in charge by the end of 2016.
Love Singles
In 2016, the unusual and thrilling may appeal to you more, Virgo. You won’t push the envelope too far, but the quiet, safe date will satisfy you less than it used to.
The wildest ride may come early in the year, so keep your guard up and your wits about you. Take notes – you may want to write about it all later.
In March, a Lunar Eclipse in Libra could bring you an introduction to another romantic thrill. If you’re not in the mood, it will be easy to graciously bow out.
After April, your love life should calm down but still be fun. Enjoy more time in group settings through August and September. You could meet some charmers now. Flirt and be flirted with.
Early winter is also party time as holiday season ramps up and you could connect with a kindred spirit, if not a soul mate. This will be no frivolous connection. Be as serious as you desire, and be met with equal seriousness and sincerity.
Love Couples
Both of you will do your share in 2016, Virgo, and have a rock solid relationship. Together, any problem or challenge will seem simpler and be remedied sooner.
There’s plenty of tenderness to go around but you’ll both be ready to step up and do those occasional difficult things. If children get unruly, pets get rambunctious, or either of you hit a rough spot in the workplace, you’ll work together and get life back on track again.
You’re both willing to see each other in a rosy light, especially in the early spring. This Neptunian romantic optimism is a good and sweet thing.
Autumn may be the most eventful, with a Solar Eclipse in Virgo and a Mercury retrograde, too. You’re both well-grounded and will see any misunderstandings as the comic interludes that they are.
Your home life is pleasant as well as practical in November and December, when Saturn exerts a calming influence. You’ll both be comfortable being the “grown up in the room.”
Career & Money
You are your own best resource in 2016, Virgo, so keep self-confidence strong and personal ambition high. There’s no end or limit to practical ideas or to the opportunities that you will spot that others will overlook. You can make some lucky breaks for yourself, too, especially in the spring.
If job hunting or making career changes, think big and consider bigger organizations or companies, too. Nonprofit entities could offer openings, too.
You communicate clearly and can be impressive to a large group or one-on-one. Be willing to consider communication fields or positions with a lot of in-person contact.
Money prospects are good all year, so long as you don’t overspend, especially in the late summer.
Be at your most financially solid place in November and December when Mars gives you energy and ambition and Saturn gives you patience, responsibility, and staying power.
Libra2016 is your lucky year, Libra, in more ways than one. Your tact and social skills will be in high demand and this will bring great satisfaction and happiness.
When everyone is working hard to get ahead, your talents will smooth the way and create more opportunities for your friends, family, and you.
With all four Mercury retrogrades happening in Earth signs, most people will be zoned in on the nuts and bolts of life. Your softer social touch will come in handy, especially around the Lunar Eclipse in March when the Moon will be in Libra.
People can still surprise you, mostly in April and May. Make some new friends and contacts now. Then forge stronger emotional bonds in May and June.
Sharp thinking and an appreciation for something new could launch you into a new, better direction in September and October. Be thorough, and then trust your judgment.
Make your own luck in November and December. Be ambitious and aim for the stars!
Love Singles
Expect the unexpected in 2016, Libra! Meet new people and go try out some new date locales.
The year starts with romantic mixed messages. The January Mercury retrograde will slow things down and may moderate Pluto’s urge to do the outrageous. Your tastes in dating subjects may surprise you now, but you can “window shop” rather than say yes to every possibility.
Dreamy prospects abound in March, but they may not stir your blood. For excitement, wait for April and a stronger Uranus influence.
Share big feelings in June. A possible soul mate could make an appearance!
September and October are for intimacy and karmic encounters. Listen to your head and heart. You’ll be most appealing now, too, so expect to draw a lot of attention.
Relax with friends in December, but don’t slow down. 2016 may go out with a burst of passion!
Love Couples
Life may have changes in mind for the two of you in 2016, Libra. A breath of fresh air can be a good thing for both of you. Be adaptable, support one another, and enter into a better space.
If you’re anticipating a big change, or even a relocation, it could happen early in the year. Be realistic about your options and discuss everything. The January Mercury retrograde in Aquarius will promote objective decisions.
If nerves get stretched thin in March, focus on taking care of each other, each other’s health, and those things that make you happy and feeling secure together. Neptune’s unsettling influence won’t last long.
Enjoy surprising one another in April, and don’t take offense during minor squabbles. The Mercury retrograde in May could prolong this bumpy time, but you can navigate through it.
In September and October, you can brainstorm, make any big household decisions, and just celebrate being together. Passion deepens as winter approaches, with bright sparks of holiday romance.
Career & Money
If you’re dreaming of a more satisfying occupation in 2016, look close to home. Friends and family may have suggestions, contacts, or offer an example of something that would pay and suit you better.
Or, it may be desirable to work from home part of the time and minimize the commute and running around. This year you could shape your work situation to better mesh with your home life.
If you’re in a service or creative position that pleases you, why rock the boat? The Solar Eclipse in March will be a reality check for you if you have any doubts.
You could save more money this year, too, which always comes in handy. In May, you can consolidate holdings and gain more financial security. Be even more discerning in your money decisions, especially as the September Mercury retrograde approaches.
Any minor missteps or miscalculations are easily corrected in November and December, as Saturn keeps you cautious and well grounded. It’s one productive year!
Scorpio2016 is your year to demolish any barriers that have been holding you back, Scorpio! With clear thinking and sheer force of will, you can accomplish what your heart desires and what your head knows you need.
Have more patience and charm this year, too. This assures that more problems are solved than created and that you make more friends and allies than you risk losing.
Your most productive time may be in the spring when Mars is retrograde in Scorpio. This slow, strong Mars will make you even more methodical and irresistible.
Tenderness and tact are also highlighted skills for you in 2016. Be realistic and kind, especially in the late summer and early fall when Jupiter and Mercury increase your people skills. Watch as obstacles and opposition melt away under your gaze.
It will be in the realm of family and friends that you may see the most progress. When things are going smoothly at home, career and public life are much easier. What a dynamite year!
Love Singles
2016 may be one of those years when you’re not sure what you want but you’ll know it when you see it. Fantasy and wishful thinking may take up as much time as actual dating, but that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Your heart is figuring things out.
Romance could start off with a bang in January but one of you may come on too strong, or you may be on two radically different pages. If so, relax. You’ll laugh about it later.
If you’re feeling listless or lonely in February or March, there will be some love prospects but they may remind you of other loves that have come and gone. You can still have a good time together, so don’t get moody. There’s fresh dating excitement in April.
Reach out and touch someone’s heart in August. Be gentle and see if it’s mutual.
December is the time to give someone the chance to be serious about you, if that’s what you want. It’s your call.
Love Couples
You’ll both agree on all the big issues in 2016, Scorpio, especially those of material or practical concern. There will be plenty of discussion and it may get tiring at times but you’ll be glad that everything is so clear.
The four Mercury retrogrades (in January, May, September, and December) present many possibilities for misunderstandings and confusion. Just be patient with one another. Avoid getting hopelessly stubborn, especially in January and February, and concentrate on just getting the facts straight.
If early in the year your partner has trouble being understood by others, don’t instantly rush to the rescue. Be there with solid moral support instead. It may prove to be nothing, as can happen whenever Neptune is involved.
If an inconvenient illness or temporary job issue arises in April or May, remember that you have resources, love, and one another. This too shall pass.
Summer is gloriously romantic, and the late fall is bright with clever fun that only the two of you can share.
Career & Money
In 2016, there’s a lot of celestial support for your career and money situation, Scorpio. Take things one step at a time, let situations fully define themselves, and then bend them to your will.
All four Mercury retrogrades are in Earth signs, to your advantage. Scorpio may be a Water sign, but your modern ruler Pluto is in Capricorn all year. Nothing can rock your world too much this year, and if you are tumbled out of a comfortable spot, you’ll quickly find something better.
Be more in charge of your personal finances, too, especially in the last two months of the year. If you’re not already careful about saving, you’ll still be able to see the big financial picture while dealing with the details, deadlines, and dotted lines.
Simply being responsible will take you far in 2016 and into 2017, Scorpio!
Sagittarius2016 is your year, Sagittarius, to cultivate talents and skills that take you far and fast. You may not be given all the situations and opportunities that you choose right off the bat, but you’ll have more than enough resources and creativity to make the best use of everything that comes your way.
The year may start slowly with Jupiter (your ruling planet) being retrograde until early May. After that, your personal energy and good luck should increase.
Mars will be retrograde in the spring, but this won’t create any delays for you. In fact, you should be able to be more careful, and successful, in your work. People may like you better and you may be more willing to learn from them.
Romance also comes your way this year. The Solar Eclipse in September is especially favorable for your health as well as for your love life.
You will do great things all year long, Sagittarius!
Love Singles
2016 has more than its share of fun and thrills, Sagittarius! It also has more than its share of luxury and extravagance, too. Ration your energy and your spending, and enjoy dates who are willing to spend more time and/or money on you.
Money isn’t everything, but it may perk up and improve the appeal of a few prospective love interests in January and February. Be on the lookout for more ambitious – and more amorous – partners in March and April.
A romantic fantasy could briefly come to life in March. Enjoy the emotional comfort and pampering. You may get bored by April, though. Too much familiarity can become a turn-off.
September and October bring love and excitement with minimum stress. A lucky encounter in October could smooth old wrinkles and bring back an old flame.
You’ll possibly meet someone special in December… someone who is not flashy nor a big spender. Look for deeper qualities and connect with someone who shares your worldview.
Love Couples
Charming days are ahead, Sagittarius! As 2016 begins, Venus is in Sagittarius to brighten and sweeten the whole year for you.
Your partner may be more attracted to you, and more proud of you, too. If this isn’t normal in your relationship, it will become so.
Agreement should be easy over money matters, especially in the first two months. If a big purchase or pricey summer vacation looms, you’ll have chosen a joint path months before then. The spring Mars retrograde period discourages any rash decisions.
September is an affectionate and dreamy time. A Solar Eclipse and a following Lunar Eclipse, both in Mutable signs (as is Sagittarius) keeps attention on treating people well. Feel generous but keep most of those tender feelings and actions at home for yourselves.
November and December are pivotal times, too. Smart, patient communication, thanks to Mercury and Saturn, bring you closer together as the holiday season over-stimulates the world around you. End the year knowing that you were made for one another!
Career & Money
In 2016 money and work opportunities want to find you, and you may be able to hold on to most of what you gain. Be patient, take a close look at any and all offers, and don’t feel pressured to make quick decisions.
Money looks most abundant in the first two months, so save what you can. Otherwise, these could be “easy come, easy go” days. Happily, Pluto in Capricorn promotes solid financial decisions regardless of what pressures or sudden changes arise.
If exploring new work or expanding your current career, 2016 brings slow but steady progress.
Have faith in your intuition when faced with a transfer, promotion, or job offer. A karmic contact could lead you to somewhere better, especially in August or September.
The Mercury retrograde in September encourages prudent work-related choices.
Be modest in financial plans, including investments, and possibly see a big return in October or November when Jupiter brings you more luck and rewards.
CapricornThis year, accomplish more than you can imagine, Capricorn, simply by sticking to your favorite mode of doing things: with slow steady efforts. It won’t involve anything flashy or earth-shaking. Nor will you become a dull robot!
Achievements, small and large, will give you the most satisfaction in 2016, and those things will not be purely about money or prestige.
Let yourself feel deeply about everything and everyone you love. Your year officially starts on December 21, 2015, with a sensuous Taurus Moon, and with Venus in secretive sexy Scorpio.
A lot of this year’s love may not be outwardly expressed. Relax but pay attention. Little gestures and hints will be important all year.
Four Mercury retrogrades happen in 2016. The first one is in January and will mostly be in Capricorn. You can competently do just about anything, and get it right the first time.
The fourth Mercury retrograde starts in late December and runs into the beginning of 2017. This is also in Capricorn. You’re organized, so it will be OK. Finish the year as marvelously as you started it!
Love Singles
You may have more of a wandering eye in 2016, Capricorn. This can create endless opportunities to make those romantic contacts. But 2016 is definitely more about real world connections than about sweet dreams and fantasies.
It may be hard to turn down your personal intensity, most often in January and February. Who knows, but you may sometimes be mistaken for a Scorpio – with no harm done!
Autumn holds a lot of social activity. With Jupiter and the Lunar North Node in Virgo, you may spend a lot of time doing fun things with interesting people. None of them may be your soul mate, but it certainly will widen your social circle and increase your prospects.
November and December could be the best time to strike a strong romantic chord with a special someone. Venus and Saturn are both intensely powerful, and a person with those big-hearted passionate qualities could become very attractive.
Love Couples
You will be the intense one this year, Capricorn, although you may struggle to conceal it. If you work too hard to keep the peace, the stress will show anyway, so keep those channels of communication wide open.
Small home projects or planning trips can give you a lot of quality time together. Working together can be tough for some couples, but not for you.
If you surprise one another in some way, particularly in April or May, don’t get bent out of shape. Who knows, but some of those Uranus in Aries surprises could prove useful later on.
Small talk is not always idle. Chat more about the little things. You could make some major discoveries about yourself and your partner along the way, especially in August and September. Jupiter and the Lunar North Node are together in Virgo, and a karmic door could open for you.
Love and affection deepen as the months pass. Anticipate a warm and tender November and December. Venus and Saturn are both in Sagittarius, wanting to be seriously sweet.
Career & Money
2016 is a great year for money, Capricorn, but it’s even greater for something else: personal satisfaction.
There are four Mercury retrogrades, all of them mostly in Earth signs. This means you can work to your heart’s content (make sure your heart is part of the equation, here) and no one can rush you. Your work can be flawless, too.
Some rewards may be slow in coming, but that’s no concern. It’s the achievement in your career or reputation that matters first, and that will come right away. The money is not far behind.
Be praised, respected, and maybe promoted in the spring with Uranus in Aries encouraging you. In autumn, Mars will position you to possibly take charge, or work more effectively on a larger group project. You can do it all in 2016!
AquariusYou’re a rising star in 2016, Aquarius, when all hard work is acknowledged and rewarded. Most of your work will be mental, and you will never lack for brilliant ideas, many of them seeming inconsequential at the time.
This year you will recognize potential that others may overlook. The Moon-Saturn opposition in your 2016 chart guarantees careful thinking and planning that won’t let you down. A Mercury-Pluto conjunction will give you the nerve to be bold, but only when it’s wise.
Love issues and your social life will loom large, keeping you busy and happy in beautiful surroundings with charming people. Take your rightful place and shine.
An appetite for knowledge and adventure may come out of nowhere, and you will find practical ways to satisfy these yearnings. Your 2016 strong Mars in Scorpio won’t let you sit still for long.
Career progress this year is steady, and can gradually lead to big success. Saturn in Sagittarius is your friend. Embrace it!
Love Singles
2016 is romantically super active, Aquarius! Chance encounters and conversations, some of them unusual, will bring you lots of dating prospects.
In May and June, that certain stranger may be irresistible. Someone new may be compelled to talk to you. Creative or career interests may attract you to each other. Keep things casual and out in the open and your 2016 Moon in Gemini will help you stay happy.
An urge for romantic excitement might strike you in April, but it could be costly. You know how to stay level-headed. If a passionate fling is to happen, Autumn is the most likely time. It’s rare that feelings run away with you, but this year’s Mars in Scorpio is very strong.
Most new contacts will happen in group settings, through mutual friends and at music or art events or parties that naturally bring like-minded people together. Be socially smart, as usual, and have abundant fun… especially in November and December!
Love Couples
New passions ignite for the two of you in 2016, Aquarius! Love gets more playful, perhaps with an added touch of glamour. If your inner children are already near the surface, prepare to romp!
Some squabbles may arise in May and June. You both are searching for creative, constructive solutions to some issues, and these disagreements can result in fresh approaches that please you both. The Moon in Gemini as July begins will bring fast resolutions.
Mutual generosity is part of this. While being more compassionate and giving, remember that this is not a contest to see who can be the most generous. In August and September, your Jupiter and Lunar North Node influences may have insights about how practicality and material generosity can work together.
With your Mars in Scorpio, passions may peak in November and December. The strongest feelings will need the fewest words. Grow close and cherish one another.
Career & Money
You have a great advantage in 2016, Aquarius, in that no one can outguess or out-think you. Total integrity and sound results are all-important to you. Your motives and efforts are above question. Mars and Saturn near the top of your 2016 chart will keep you busy and successful.
If it’s not lightning-fast progress, it will be solid and steady. Give finances and your spending extra attention in April and May, and avoid any rude surprises down the road.
In August and into early September, Jupiter in Virgo may bring you people who ask for the random but not-so-small favor. Look at the people and situation realistically, and do what makes sense. Acts of generosity now can bring you future benefits.
November and December go out with a flashy bang of opportunity, challenge, and success in the workplace. Stand your ground, be proud of your achievements, do your best, and move ahead!
2016 is a power year, Pisces, and most of what you do will happen out in public, in plain view, and probably with the help and cooperation of others.
Your circle of friends and partners will grow, starting in January and February. You won’t feel lonely in 2016.
Feel more bold about money, possessions, and your own body in the springtime. Consult your intuitions and instincts as a way to look before you leap into unfamiliar territory – but be brave.
Later in April, May, and June, when Mars is retrograde, your mental focus and health will be less impacted than other signs. Enjoy a period of emotional calm. You know how to feel intense without showing it all the time.
A Solar Eclipse in March may stir events in your world, but you’ll be prepared. The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces in September is more emotional.
The Mercury-Venus conjunction in your 2016 chart is a gift that keeps you smart, sharp, and sensitive all year long.
Love Singles
You can attract a lot of dating attention in 2016, Pisces. Happily, you have the charm and the wit to sort through all these romantic prospects.
In February and March, you may find that you’ve raised your standards and want to be with more solid, highly evolved partners. Keep those standards and expectations up there and don’t settle for anything or anyone less.
July and August could be prime times to meet a very special someone who meets all your requirements. Make sure they treat you the way you want to be treated.
You’re busy and popular all year long, even in November and December when the phone, emails, and texts may slow down. The people and dates in your life now, though, are high quality companions and you want to pay them more attention anyway. Get to know them on a deeper level.
Love Couples
2016 is a year rich with changes and opportunities for greater, deeper happiness together. You will need to express what changes you want, though, and perhaps get the ball rolling on some of them.
You and your partner are on firm ground all year long with the Mercury-Venus conjunction in your 2016 chart. You may share big dreams of major purchases or vacations, or even generous donations to charities… but you both know to keep these dreams on hold, for this year at least.
Starting in the midsummer, your partner may be the more emotional of the two of you, so handle each other with care and love. Be supportive, talk out and share more rather than clamming up and being more needy and demanding. Any exposed frailties will draw you closer together every day.
In the fall and winter, decide which social events and groups are most satisfying and focus your time on them. Having fun can get intense, too!
Career & Money
Think big, feel big, plan big, and act big in 2016, Pisces. Small things can be done in a big way and then shine with perfection and success, especially in October. This is the kind of work that you can do throughout 2016.
Self-confidence is the key. Most of what you want to do and accomplish is unselfish and intended for the benefit of all, so don’t sell yourself short on anything. A Solar Eclipse in March could open a career opportunity for you and you can do things this year than no other sign can.
If business partners or co-workers get emotional on you in July, you can empathize and smooth the waters. Keep some emotional distance and spare yourself a dip in the whirlpool of confusion. In fact, you’ll look like the hero you are.
October, November, and December are high-energy times when Jupiter… then Mars… then Saturn are all supporting you. Make the most of it all!